Friday, November 6, 2009

Sarah is bothered by revolving doors

It's not so much the door themselves which bother me. I understand they conserve heat and block wind, especially important during NYC winter. What bothers me is people who are overly aggressive once inside them. I like to take my time going through the revolving door, not slowly, but I don't like to rush. Also, I am not very strong so pushing heavier ones is hard for me. So I am absolutely bothered when someone gets in the door behind me and starts to push very fast and I almost miss my chance to get out. This is especially complicated by the fact that I normally am carrying my huge, heavy work bag and am wearing a bulky jacket, both of which can easily get stuck in the door. And don't even ask me about the time a stranger got into the same revolving door compartment as me... so unbelievably uncomfortable and awkward!

In sum: one at a time through the revolving doors please.

Friday, October 16, 2009


Where is Soulja Boy's AMA nod for "Kiss Me Thru the Phone"? Easily the best song of 2009. Bothered.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Cat leashes

This is not the exact image of the cat on leash which I saw in Central Park yesterday but it is close enough. It was very strange and definitely bothered me. Leashes are for dogs, and, in certain rare instances, small children, but never, ever should they used for cats.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sarah is bothered by no Fall and full on Winter

I am bothered that we didn't have a fall season. It's freezing and dark out, it is winter. And there are two specific things which bother me about winter:

1. The temperature. My office is freezing. I called our super to complain that the heat must be broken but he informed me it is in fact not turned on, and it will not be turned on until October 9th. A whole week from now! "But how am I supposed to live?!" I pleaded. "Wear a sweater" was his response.

I am currently wearing a sweater and a coat in my cubicle. Tomorrow I'm packing gloves.

2. The fact that daylight disappears. I think I might have seasonal affective disorder, appropriately abbreviated "SADs". I am absolutely bothered that the Sun has suddenly started setting at approximately 4:30pm. Also, furthered bothered that the only cure for this disorder are huge, very expensive sun lamps. Can someone tell me why this is $140?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sarah is bothered by having a cell phone

Katie is bothered by fake psychics and $50 candles

note: this is not an image of the actual scary candle. I am too afraid of Scary Candle to put it on this blog, though I did take pictures.

After spending the entire day worrying that I have been cursed by a psychic and am doomed to find a scary candle hiding in my bed when I arrive home today, I can finally admit it: I am absolutely crazy and ABSOLUTELY bothered.

Last night I had the stupid idea to go see a psychic because her gypsy family was soliciting drunk people off of the street. Clearly mistake one. After a very poor tarot card reading, she suggested I purchase one of her stupid candles, which she said would bring me peace and happiness. She said they usually cost $100, but she would give it to me for $50. "But I only have $10!" I responded, though right now I'm not sure why I wanted a candle in the first place. She was just so cute and seemed to care so much about my little life. She said she would take the $10, and that I could "bring the money to her another time" to pay for the rest of the candle. This was mistake two. So I left with my happy candle, and I was feeling slightly confused but a little bit excited.

Flashforward to this morning: I wake up, an hour earlier than usual and terrified of the candle I purchased the night before. I am convinced that I have to return it to the psychic or give her the rest of the money, or I will live in doom forever. The candle is insanely scary: it is just white wax carved to look like a woman. I decide then and there that I cannot keep the candle in my apartment for one more day, or God will smite me for worshipping false idols while the lady-candle attacks me in my sleep or moves around the apartment on its own. I really want to just throw the candle away, but I am afraid to suffer the consequences (i.e. the candle coming back to haunt me, the psychic putting a curse on my soul, etc. The normal thoughts of a sane human being).

In the end, after many frantic phone calls, I decide to head to the subway and do away with Scary Candle. I thought this would give me peace, but instead I have obsessed over the possibility of Scary Candle reappearing in my apartment for the ENTIRE day. So, I am bothered. Why can't I just STOP BEING AN IDIOT and forget about the damn candle?! IT IS A CANDLE. IT PROBABLY COST THE PSYCHIC $2. IT WAS A SCAM. I hate that damn psychic for giving me this stupid candle. Even my psychic-loving, astrology obsessed co-worker agrees it was a scam.

COME ON, self. Lock. It. Up.

Monday, September 21, 2009


Sarah is bothered that she just received an email from the I.T. department in which she only recognized the word "password." What she is to do/change/address about said password remains largely unclear. An excerpt:

When we push out the new password policy, all user account will need to confirm to the new policy. These are accounts that are email accounts that are not tied to an individual but will have their passwords changed by the policy. I have been trying to identify any that should be treated as a service account so they get moved to another location in our active director and identified so their email passwords do not change. If this is not a concern, then they can stay put. If anyone is mapping to these email accounts or logging in to them, they will need to update the password before they can log in the next time.

Sarah is bothered by coordinating time zones in Outlook. Sending my boss to California tomorrow and all of his appointments are off by 3 hours. I sense disaster and confusion.

Katie is bothered by not having her cell phone

Saturday night, my wallet and phone were stolen from my purse. You may think "well isn't that great? At least your entire purse was not stolen." That's almost a valid point... except that it does not make anything REMOTELY better. I will probably mention this several times throughout the course of this blog, as there are many things that bother me about this occurrance. Today, however, I'm most bothered by not having my cell phone. I break/lose/destroy cell phones far more often than the average human being. Just last week, I dropped my phone in a beverage and had to obtain a replacement. So now the phone insurance people don't believe I'm just a good-hearted but incredibly stupid human being who can lose two phones in one week. So I am stuck sans-phone.

My dad lent me his cell phone, but no one has this number. So, no one can call me. What social agenda (agendi?) am I missing out on? Who has been trying to contact me? Who sent me a funny message they'll probably regret on Saturday night? I will never know, and that bothers me. I cannot contact anyone. I have maybe 5 phone numbers. I was supposed to see a movie on Sunday night, but that never materialized because, oh yeah, no one wants to call me on my father's phone. I made new friends over the weekend (seriously, I harassed girls into being my friends at a bar, weird indeed) and now I do not know their phone numbers (or names). I've resorted to sending facebook messages to get in touch with people, which makes me look really, really LAME. Unacceptable.

The situation does not seem to be any closer to resolution. I faxed in my affadavid (really, Asurion? REALLY?). I included a photocopy of my passport because I do not have my driver's license (it is probably in the hands of a. an illegal immigrant b. an identity theif or c. a 19-year-old girl). Yet I still have not heard from the MONSTERS at ASURION who I have dolled out nearly $2K to over the years replacing phones (by I, I mean Mom and Dad). I am probably black-listed... but I am most certainly bothered.