I am bothered that we didn't have a fall season. It's freezing and dark out, it is winter. And there are two specific things which bother me about winter:
1. The temperature. My office is freezing. I called our super to complain that the heat must be broken but he informed me it is in fact not turned on, and it will not be turned on until October 9th. A whole week from now! "But how am I supposed to live?!" I pleaded. "Wear a sweater" was his response.
I am currently wearing a sweater and a coat in my cubicle. Tomorrow I'm packing gloves.
2. The fact that daylight disappears. I think I might have seasonal affective disorder, appropriately abbreviated "SADs". I am absolutely bothered that the Sun has suddenly started setting at approximately 4:30pm. Also, furthered bothered that the only cure for this disorder are huge, very expensive sun lamps. Can someone tell me why this is $140? http://www.amazon.com/Uplift-Technologies-DL930-Day-Light-Affective/dp/B0009MFUWC/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=hpc&qid=1254428400&sr=8-2